About the Instructors

IMG_0831Deavours Hall is a writer with special interests in social justice and education. She recently completed her PhD at the University of Georgia, where her dissertation was on immigrant children’s use of writing and photography as advocacy. Hall has taught Creative Nonfiction for Documentarians at CDS for four years.


195867_10150154961701926_3940287_nRhonda Klevansky is a photographer, writer, and documentary filmmaker. She completed her undergraduate studies in South Africa and has an MA from Duke. She has written numerous magazine articles and a nonfiction children’s book. Her photography collaboration with refugees in London, Fragments from Another Life, has been exhibited in the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Africa. Her recent video documentaries include Welcome to My Paradise, about sand artists on the beaches of Durban, South Africa, and One Band Indivisible, about a marching band at a historically black high school in Durham. Klevansky combines writing, photography, and video to help nonprofit organizations tell their stories, and enjoys mentoring young media practitioners. She contributes photographs to Getty Images and the Nature Picture Library.

1 thought on “About the Instructors

  1. Hi Rhonda and Deavours,

    How do I write my responses? I don’t have Zoom, and don’t know anything about it. I’ve done my readings & am ready to write, but don’t know how… Help please!


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